Student Attendance Review Team (SART/SST)
What to Expect at a SART or SST for Attendance Meeting
Our SART teams are made specifically to help identify the cause of student attendance barriers and find solutions/resources that support students, parents, teachers, principals and other district staff. They will help staff, students, and parents understand the District policies and state laws regarding school attendance to help guarantee parents get the same information as the school representatives.
During the meeting, the SART Team will ask questions about what is causing the student's absences (ie: School anxiety, transportation issues, etc.) and, with parental input, help provide resources and support to help work with your family to get that your child to class.
Before a SART meeting is scheduled:
1) All possible SART cases will be selected by the school’s administrator.
2) The school site will document and attempt to make contact with you to discuss your student's attendance patterns. Contact may include, but is not limited to:
- Student and parent conference with teacher(s), counselor, or administrator
- Daily sign in / routing slips to monitor attendance
- Parent contact via home visit, mail, and / or phone calls by District personnel or law enforcement
- Attendance / Truancy letters mailed out to parents
- Residence verification
- Schedule change
- Outside resources for medical, mental health, and / or family services
- Referral to Student Study Team The SART meeting
The SART Meeting:
1) SART meetings are held on the school site.
2) You will be notified at least two weeks prior to SART meeting of date and time.
3) An informational SART folder is given to the student and parents which explains the importance of student attendance.
4) Student, parent, site administrator and CWA designee will be asked to sign the SART contract.
Attendees at the SART meeting:
The Principal or Assistant Principal at the school site, parent, and students in grades K-12 should be present at the Student Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting. In some cases the attendance clerk, teacher, or counselor may also attend. The school may request that any of the following also be present: Director of Child Welfare, Community Liaison, Probation Officer, Resource Officer, or District Attendance Technician.
If you are not able to appear for the SART meeting:
If you cannot make the meeting, please notify the school immediately to re-schedule. If the school is not notified, the meeting will be held without the parent present. The school will notify parent by mail of the missed meeting and send a notification letter reaffirming the SART agreement.