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Plans & Policies - District and School Levels

There are many opportunities for parents to participate jointly in the system that impacts their child's achievement.  Parents as Educational Partners with P-BVUSD

Parents must take the initiative to participate by reaching out to the school or District.  The District continually seeks parents and families to become actively involved in developing the LCAP, the LCAP Federal Addendum, the District Plan for English Learners, Parent and Family Engagement Policies, School Plan for Student Achievement, and various other plans and policies.

How to get involved!

Parents and families are encouraged to contact school staff for opportunities to be involved in their child's education.  No experience is necessary - training is always provided!

  • Sign up on ParentSquare to get all the latest information from your child's school and the District.
  • Visit the District website and/or school websites.
  • Be aware of, and ATTEND, school and district meetings - either by Zoom or in person.
  • Parents and families are frequently asked to complete surveys - be sure to participate in each survey sent to you (via ParentSquare or paper copies).  Yes, the staff reads all responses!
  • Contact your school site for information on committees such as the ELAC and SSC or the Consolidated Programs Department for District level committees such as the DAC, the DELAC, and TIPS.
