Title I
Part A Overview
- Title I, Part A federal funds help to meet the educational needs of students in California schools.
- Funds support effective, evidence-based educational strategies that close the achievement gap and enable students to meet the state's challenging academic standards.
- PBVUSD currently has 14 schools that participate in a Title I School-wide Program (SWP)
Berkshire, Castle, Loudon, Miller, Panama, Sandrini, Seibert, Stine, Van Horn, and Williams
Junior High:
Actis, Stonecreek, and Thompson
Information about an individual school's SWP should be directed to the principal. For general information, don't hesitate to contact our Title I Program Specialists at 661.397.2200 ext. 6428 or 6431.
Title I Parent Sub-committee (TIPS)
The Title I Parent Sub-committee comprises parents of participating students, school staff, and district staff. The ultimate goal is to provide members with training, allowing them to advise and provide recommendations to the SSC regarding the Parent and Family Engagement Policy, School-Parent Compact, and appropriate supplemental programs in the School Plan for Student Achievement. Additionally, this sub-committee is very important to developing District plan requirements through documents like the LCAP Federal Addendum.
Last updated May 2024
District Advisory Committee members from a Title I school site are automatically included as Title I Parent Sub-committee members. Members are expected to discuss Title I-related activities held on their site and participate in the District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy development.
Meeting Schedule
Title I - Information for Unhoused Families and Students
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Subtitle B—Education for Homeless Children and Youth), reauthorized under the Every Student Succeeds Act, ensures educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness. (42 United States Code [42 U.S.C.] Section 11434). The district must ensure that children and youth experiencing homelessness are able to participate fully in school activities and that barriers to identification, enrollment, and retention in school are removed. The district has policies and practices to ensure that homeless children and youths are not stigmatized or segregated. (Board Policy 6173). Student rights include:
- Immediate Enrollment - with or without the documentation
- Transportation - support as needed to eliminate barriers to attendance
- Academic Access and Success - school meals are provided free of charge, and all other academic supports are comparable to services provided to children in schools funded under Title I. Services can include transportation, educational programs for students with disabilities, programs for English learners, gifted and talented education, and extracurricular activities.