The CAC is committed to ensuring that the high standards and expectations of achievement and services established by P-BVUSD encompass all students receiving special education services and their families. Our goal is to raise community awareness about the needs of students and their families regarding special education programs, to actively review the Local Plan for Special Education, and to provide a forum that facilitates communication with parents and the school district. The CAC will provide information, training, and resources to help ensure that quality programs educate the student with special needs in mind, body, and spirit.
The CAC shall serve in an advisory capacity to the P-BVUSD SELPA as designated in the
P-BVUSD Local Plan and California Education Code § 56190 et seq.
Responsibilities - Mandated
In accordance with California Education Code § 56194, the mandated responsibilities of the CAC include:
- Advising the policy and administrative entities of the SELPA regarding the development and review of the Local Plan and board policies, which pertain to Special Education.
- Recommending annual priorities to be addressed by the Local Plan.
- Assisting in parent education and in recruiting parents and other volunteers who may contribute to the implementation of the Local Plan.
- Encouraging community involvement in the development and review of the Local Plan.
- Supporting activities on behalf of individuals with special needs.
- Assisting in increasing parent awareness of the importance of regular school attendance.
Responsibilities - Discretionary
In addition to those responsibilities designated by Ed. Code 56194, the CAC may have
other responsibilities as defined for it in the P-BVUSD Local Plan and/or as deemed
necessary by the CAC, and approved by the Board of Trustees.
CAC Bylaws