Title IX Information
Title IX Coordinator
Jennifer Irvin - jirvin@pbvusd.k12.ca.us
4200 Ashe Rd
Bakersfield, CA 93313
Title IX Policy
Coming Soon
Nondiscrimination / Harassment
Nondiscrimination in District Programs & Activities
Nondiscrimination / Harassment for Students
Nondiscrimination / Harassment for Employees
Sexual Harassment for Students
Sexual Harassment for Employees
Hate Motivated Behavior for Students
All Personnel - BP 4119.11 4219.11 4319.11
The following policy shall apply to all district employees, interns, volunteers, contractors, job applicants, and other persons with an employment relationship with the district.
The Governing Board is committed to providing a safe work environment that is free of harassment and intimidation. The Board prohibits sexual harassment against district employees and retaliatory behavior or action against any person who complains, testifies, or otherwise participates in the complaint process established for the purpose of this policy.
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment)
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, harassment that is based on the sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation of the victim and harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.
The Superintendent or designee shall take all actions necessary to ensure the prevention, investigation, and correction of sexual harassment, including but not limited to:
1. Providing training to employees in accordance with law and administrative regulation
2. Publicizing and disseminating the district's sexual harassment policy to employees and others to whom the policy may apply
3. Ensuring prompt, thorough, fair, and equitable investigation of complaints
4. Taking timely and appropriate corrective/remedial action(s), which may require interim separation of the complainant and the alleged harasser and subsequent monitoring of developments
The Superintendent or designee shall periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the district's strategies to prevent and address harassment. Such evaluation may involve conducting regular anonymous employee surveys to assess whether harassment is occurring or is perceived to be tolerated, partnering with researchers or other agencies with the needed expertise to evaluate the district's prevention strategies, and using any other effective tool for receiving feedback on systems and/or processes. As necessary, changes shall be made to the harassment policy, complaint procedures, or training.
District employees who feel that they have been sexually harassed in the performance of their district responsibilities or who has have knowledge of any incident of sexual harassment by or against another employee shall immediately report the incident to their direct supervisor, a district administrator, or the district's Title IX Coordinator. Employees may bypass their supervisor in filing a complaint if the supervisor is the subject of the complaint. A supervisor or administrator who receives a harassment complaint shall promptly notify the Title IX Coordinator.
Once notified, the Title IX Coordinator shall ensure the complaint is addressed through either AR 4119.12/4219.12/4319.12 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures for complaints meeting the Title IX definition of sexual harassment or AR 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment for complaints meeting the state definition, as applicable, and shall offer supportive measures to the complainant.
(cf. 4119.12/4219.12/4319.12 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaints)
Upon investigation of a sexual harassment complaint, a district employee found to have engaged or participated in sexual harassment to have aided, abetted, incited, compelled, or coerced another to commit sexual harassment in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, in accordance with law and the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
The Governing Board is committed to maintaining a safe school environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. The Board prohibits, at school or at school-sponsored or school-related activities, sexual harassment targeted at any student by anyone. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any person who reports, files a complaint or testifies about, or otherwise supports a complainant in alleging sexual harassment.
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 5131 - Conduct)
(cf. 5131.2 - Bullying)
(cf. 5137 - Positive School Climate)
(cf. 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment)
The district strongly encourages students who feel that they are being or have been sexually harassed on school grounds or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity by another student or an adult, or who have experienced off-campus sexual harassment that has a continuing effect on campus, to immediately contact their teacher, the principal, the district's Title IX Coordinator, or any other available school employee. Any employee who receives a report or observes an incident of sexual harassment shall notify the Title IX Coordinator.
Once notified, the Title IX Coordinator shall ensure the complaint is addressed through Title IX complaint procedures or uniform complaint procedures, as applicable, and shall offer supportive measures to the complainant.
(cf. 1312.1 - Complaints Concerning District Employees)
(cf. 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures)
(cf. 5141.4 - Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting)
The Superintendent or designee shall inform students and parents/guardians of the district's sexual harassment policy by disseminating it through parent/guardian notifications, publishing it on the district's web site, and including it in student and staff handbooks. All district staff shall be trained regarding the policy.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all district students receive age-appropriate information on sexual harassment. Such instruction and information shall include:
1. What acts and behavior constitute sexual harassment, including the fact that sexual harassment could occur between people of the same sex and could involve sexual violence
2. A clear message that students do not have to endure sexual harassment under any circumstance
3. Encouragement to report observed incidents of sexual harassment even when the alleged victim of the harassment has not complained
4. A clear message that student safety is the district's primary concern, and that any separate rule violation involving an alleged victim or any other person reporting a sexual harassment incident will be addressed separately and will not affect the manner in which the sexual harassment complaint will be received, investigated, or resolved
5. A clear message that, regardless of a complainant's noncompliance with the writing, timeline, or other formal filing requirements, every sexual harassment allegation that involves a student, whether as the complainant, respondent, or victim of the harassment, shall be investigated and action shall be taken to respond to harassment, prevent recurrence, and address any continuing effect on students
6. Information about the district's procedures for investigating complaints and the person(s) to whom a report of sexual harassment should be made
7. Information about the rights of students and parents/guardians to file a civil or criminal complaint, as applicable, including the right to file a civil or criminal complaint while the district investigation of a sexual harassment complaint continues
8. A clear message that, when needed, the district will implement supportive measures to ensure a safe school environment for a student who is the complainant or victim of sexual harassment and/or other students during an investigation
Disciplinary Actions
Upon completion of an investigation of a sexual harassment complaint, any student found to have engaged in sexual harassment or sexual violence in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action. For students in grades 4-12, disciplinary action may include suspension and/or expulsion, provided that, in imposing such discipline, the entire circumstances of the incident(s) shall be taken into account.
(cf. 5144 - Discipline)
(cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process)
(cf. 5144.2 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process (Students with Disabilities))
Upon investigation of a sexual harassment complaint, any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment or sexual violence toward any student shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, in accordance with law and the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
The district designates the following individual(s) as the responsible employee(s) to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 as well as to investigate and resolve sexual harassment complaints under AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. The Title IX Coordinator(s) may be contacted at:
Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
4200 Ashe Road
Bakersfield, CA
(661) 831-8331, ext. 6132
(cf. 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures)
(cf. 5145.71 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures)
The district shall notify students, parents/guardians, employees, bargaining units, and applicants for employment of the name or title, office address, email address, and telephone number of the district's Title IX Coordinator. (34 CFR 106.8)
Prohibited Conduct
Prohibited sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, unwanted requests for sexual favors, or other unwanted verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made against another person of the same or opposite sex in the educational setting, under any of the following conditions: (Education Code 212.5; 5 CCR 4916)
1. Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of a student's academic status or progress.
2. Submission to or rejection of the conduct by a student is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting the student.
3. The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact on the student's academic performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.
4. Submission to or rejection of the conduct by the student is used as the basis for any decision affecting the student regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through any district program or activity.
(cf. 5131 - Conduct)
(cf. 5131.2 - Bullying)
(cf. 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment)
(cf. 6142.1 - Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction)
Examples of types of conduct which are prohibited in the district and which may constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:
1. Unwelcome leering, sexual flirtations, or propositions
2. Unwelcome sexual slurs, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments, or sexually degrading descriptions
3. Graphic verbal comments about an individual's body or overly personal conversation
4. Sexual jokes, derogatory posters, notes, stories, cartoons, drawings, pictures, obscene gestures, or computer-generated images of a sexual nature
5. Spreading sexual rumors
6. Teasing or sexual remarks about students enrolled in a predominantly single-sex class
7. Massaging, grabbing, fondling, stroking, or brushing the body
8. Touching an individual's body or clothes in a sexual way
9. Impeding or blocking movements or any physical interference with school activities when directed at an individual on the basis of sex
10. Displaying sexually suggestive objects
11. Sexual assault, sexual battery, or sexual coercion
12. Electronic communications containing comments, words, or images described above
Any prohibited conduct that occurs off campus or outside of school-related or school-sponsored programs or activities will be regarded as sexual harassment in violation of district policy if it has a continuing effect on or creates a hostile school environment for the complainant or victim of the conduct.
A copy of the district's sexual harassment policy and regulation shall:
1. Be included in the notifications that are sent to parents/guardians at the beginning of each school year (Education Code 48980; 5 CCR 4917)
(cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications)
2. Be displayed in a prominent location in the main administrative building or other area where notices of district rules, regulations, procedures, and standards of conduct are posted (Education Code 231.5)
3. Be summarized on a poster which shall be prominently and conspicuously displayed in each bathroom and locker room at each school. The poster may be
displayed in public areas that are accessible to and frequented by students, including, but not limited to, classrooms, hallways, gymnasiums, auditoriums, and
cafeterias. The poster shall display the rules and procedures for reporting a charge of sexual harassment; the name, phone number, and email address of an
appropriate school employee to contact to report a charge of sexual harassment; the rights of the reporting student, the complainant, and the respondent;
and the responsibilities of the school. (Education Code 231.6)
4. Be posted in a prominent location on the district's web site in a manner that is easily accessible to parents/guardians and students. This shall include the name
or title, office address, email address, and telephone number of the employee(s) designated as the district's Title IX Coordinator. (Education Code 234.6; 34
CFR 106.8)
(cf. 1113 - District and School Web Sites)
(cf. 1114 - District-Sponsored Social Media)
5. Be provided as part of any orientation program conducted for new and continuing students at the beginning of each quarter, semester, or summer session
(Education Code 231.5)
6. Appear in any school or district publication that sets forth the school's or district's comprehensive rules, regulations, procedures, and standards of conduct
(Education Code 231.5)
7. Be included in any handbook provided to students, parents/guardians, employees, or employee organizations (34 CFR 106.8)
Reporting Complaints
A student of parent/guardian who believes that the student has been subjected to sexual harassment by another student, an employee, or a third party or who has witnessed sexual harassment is strongly encouraged to report the incident to a teacher, the principal, the district's Title IX Coordinator, or any other available school employee. Within one school day of receiving such a report, the principal or other school employee shall forward the report to the district's Title IX Coordinator. Any school employee who observes an incident of sexual harassment involving a student shall, within one school day, report the observation to the principal or Title IX Coordinator, regardless whether the alleged victim files a formal complaint.
(cf. 5141.4 - Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting)
When a report or complaint of sexual harassment involves off-campus conduct, the Title IX Coordinator shall assess whether the conduct may create or contribute to the creation of a hostile school environment. If the Title IX Coordinator determines that a hostile environment may be created, the complaint shall be investigated and resolved in the same manner as if the prohibited conduct occurred at school.
When a verbal or informal report of sexual harassment is submitted, the Title IX Coordinator shall inform the student or parent/guardian of the right to file a formal written complaint in accordance with applicable district complaint procedures.
Complaint Procedures
All complaints of sexual harassment by and against students shall be investigated and resolved in accordance with law and district procedures. The Title IX Coordinator shall review the allegations to determine the applicable procedure for responding to the complaint. All complaints that meet the definition of sexual harassment under Title IX shall be investigated and resolved in accordance with AR 5145.71 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures. Other sexual harassment complaints shall be investigated and resolved pursuant to AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures.
Nondiscrimination and Equivalent Opportunities in the Athletic Program
No student shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, be denied equivalent opportunity in, or otherwise be discriminated against in interscholastic, intramural, or club athletics on the basis of actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, mental or physical disability, or any other basis specified in law. (Education Code 220, 221.5, 230; 5 CCR 4920; 34 CFR 106.41)
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment)
The Superintendent or designee may provide single-sex teams when selection for the teams is based on competitive skills. (5 CCR 4921; 34 CFR 106.41)
Each student shall be allowed to participate in any single-sex athletic program or activity consistent with his/her gender identity and for which he/she is otherwise eligible to participate, irrespective of the gender listed on the student's records. (Education Code 221.5)
(cf. 5125 - Student Records)
When a school provides only one team in a particular sport for members of one sex, but provides no team in the same sport for members of the other sex, and athletic opportunities in the total program for that sex have been previously limited, members of the excluded sex shall be allowed to try out and compete with the team. The same standards for eligibility shall be applied to every student trying out for the team, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or other protected group status. (5 CCR 4921; 34 CFR 106.41)
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that equivalent opportunities are available to both sexes in athletic programs by considering, among other factors: (5 CCR 4922; 34 CFR 106.41)
1. Whether the offered selection of sports and levels of competition effectively accommodate the interests and abilities of both sexes
The athletic program may be found to effectively accommodate the interests and abilities of both sexes using any one of the following tests: (Education Code 230)
a. Whether the interscholastic-level participation opportunities for male and female students are provided in numbers substantially proportionate to their respective enrollments
b. Where the members of one sex have been and are underrepresented among interscholastic athletes, whether the district can show a history and a continuing practice of program expansion that is demonstrably responsive to the developing interests and abilities of the members of that sex
c. Where the members of one sex are underrepresented among interscholastic athletes and the district cannot show a history and continuing practice of program expansion as required in item #1b above, whether the district can demonstrate that the interests and abilities of the members of that sex have been fully and effectively accommodated by the present program
2. The provision and maintenance of equipment and supplies
3. Scheduling of games and practice times, selection of the season for a sport, and location of the games and practices
4. Travel and per diem allowances
5. Opportunities to receive coaching and academic tutoring
6. Assignment and compensation of coaches and tutors
7. Provision of locker rooms, practice facilities, and competitive facilities
8. Provision of medical and training facilities and services
9. Provision of housing and dining facilities and services
10. Publicity
11. Provision of necessary funds
Each school that offers competitive athletics shall, at the end of the school year, post on its school web site, or on the district web site if the school does not have a web site, the following information: (Education Code 221.9)
1. The total enrollment of the school, classified by gender
2. The number of students enrolled at the school who participate in competitive athletics, classified by gender
3. The number of boys' and girls' teams, classified by sport and by competition level
(cf. 1113 - District and School Web Sites)
The data reported for items #1-3 above shall reflect the total number of players on a team roster on the official first day of competition. The materials used to compile this information shall be retained by the school for at least three years after the information is posted on the web site. (Education Code 221.9)
(cf. 3580 - District Records)
Concussions and Head Injuries
The Superintendent or designee shall annually distribute to student athletes and their parents/guardians an information sheet on concussions and head injuries. The student and parent/guardian shall sign and return the information sheet before the student's initiating practice or competition. (Education Code 49475)
(cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications)
The Superintendent or designee shall provide training to coaches and/or athletic trainers regarding concussion symptoms, prevention, and appropriate response. (Education Code 35179.1, 49032)
(cf. 4127/4227/4327 - Temporary Athletic Team Coaches)
If a student athlete is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in an athletic activity, he/she shall be immediately removed from the activity for the remainder of the day. The student shall not be permitted to return to the activity until he/she is evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in the management of concussions and receives the health care provider's written clearance to return to the activity. If the health care provider determines that the athlete sustained a concussion or a head injury, the athlete shall also complete a graduated return-to-play protocol of no less than seven days in duration under the supervision of a licensed health care provider. (Education Code 49475)
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
The Superintendent or designee shall provide training to coaches and/or athletic trainers regarding the nature and warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest. (Education Code 33479.6, 33479.7, 35179.1
If a student athlete passes out or faints, or is known to have passed out or fainted, while participating in or immediately following his/her participation in an athletic activity, the student shall be removed from participation at that time. If a student exhibits any other symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest, including seizures during exercise, unexplained shortness of breath, chest pains, dizziness, racing heart rate, or extreme fatigue, he/she may be removed from participation by a coach or other employee who observes these symptoms. If any such symptoms are observed, notification shall be given to the student's parent/guardian so that the parent/guardian can determine the treatment, if any, the student should seek. A student who has been removed from participation shall not be permitted to return until he/she is evaluated and given written clearance to return to participation by a health care provider. (Education Code 33479.2, 33479.5)
Additional Parental Notifications
Before a student participates in interscholastic athletic activities, the Superintendent or designee shall, in addition to providing his/her parents/guardians with information on the signs and symptoms of concussions and sudden cardiac arrest as described above, send a notice to the student's parents/guardians which:
1. Contains information about the procedures for filing a discrimination complaint that arises out of an interscholastic athletic activity, including the name of the district's Title IX Coordinator
(cf. 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures)
2. Includes a copy of students' Title IX rights pursuant to Education Code 221.8
3. Explains that there is an element of risk associated with all athletic competitions and that the district cannot guarantee that students will not be injured, despite a commitment to every participant's health and welfare
(cf. 3530 - Risk Management/Insurance)
4. Provides information about insurance protection pursuant to Education Code 32221.5
(cf. 5143 - Insurance)
5. Requests parental permission for the student to participate in the program and, if appropriate, be transported by the district to and from competitions
(cf. 3541.1 - Transportation for School-Related Trips)
6. States the district's expectation that students adhere strictly to all safety rules, regulations, and instructions, as well as rules and guidelines related to conduct and sportsmanship
(cf. 5144 - Discipline)
(cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process)