(Students already attending TK in a PBVUSD school, will automatically be enrolled in kindergarten the next school year - no further action by parents is necessary.)
A big day is approaching for your child . . . the first day of kindergarten. The Panama-Buena Vista Union School District is pleased to welcome your child. Kindergarten is a milestone in your child's life. It is not only the beginning of his or her first formal education, but will be the first step toward life-long learning and social participation.
This should be an adventure for your child and for the entire family. Our school system considers parents as partners in your child's education. By working together, we can be assured that your child receives the best possible learning experience. This booklet contains information to help you and your child prepare for your school's kindergarten program.
Age Eligibility – A child must be five years of age by September 1 to enter kindergarten. If an age-ineligible child completes a full year of kindergarten in a private school, that child will be enrolled in TK per CDE admission requirements. A child who turns five years old after September 1 is not eligible for kindergarten in the Panama-Buena Vista Union School District and will be enrolled in TK.
Proof of Age – Per Education Code Section 48000(a), children entering kindergarten must be five years of age on or before September 1. Proof of age will be required for all enrolling kindergartners. The legal evidences of age are a birth certificate, birth record, baptismal certificate, passport, or affidavit signed by the parent/guardian. Documents presented for proof of age must be originals.
Health Record, Physical Exam, Oral Exam - Downloadable documents/forms (English & Spanish):
A physical examination or statement from your family health advisor is required for school attendance (District Board policy). For school year 2025-26, the physical exam must be completed on or after February 13 of the year of expected Transitional Kindergarten and/or kindergarten enrollment. State law requires that the child have:
- 4 doses of Polio vaccine
- 5 doses of D.P.T. Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough) and Tetanus vaccine
- 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine
- 2 doses of Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine
- 2 dose of Varicella (chickenpox) immunization or documentation of immunity before entering school
- Oral Health Assessment
- TB Clearance
Health records should include information on any special health problems. Parents will be given additional information at registration.
California law, Education Code Section 49452.8, requires that your child have an oral health assessment by May 28 in Transitional Kindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade, whichever is his or her first year of public school. The law specifies that the assessment must be performed by a licensed dentist or other licensed or registered dental health professional. Oral health assessments that have happened within the 12 months before your child enters school also meet this requirement.